With my introduction out of the way, I'd like to start my 2nd post introducing the first steps of my Herb Gardening process! I've planted 5 different types of Herbs to grow over the summer:
- Sweet Basil
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Lavender
- Cilantro
It's the first time I've ever done something like this, so I wanted to track my progress as my garden expands.
Planting the Parsley was definitely the easiest since my Mom bought be a planting kit that came in a tin can to use as a planting pot. So for beginners who have never gardened before, I definitely recommend this kit:
My mom found it at a supermarket, so you can also check your local super market for this too :)
As for the rest of my garden, the seeds came in packets with directions for outside planting but not inside or pot planting. I tried looking up directions up online for some kind of guidance but in the end I went to my mother for advice who told me to dump the seeds all together and allow the plants to "germinate"and then take it from there. So I guess I'll see what happens.
At the moment, I'm on my spring break and visiting a friend at UMich so I won't be able to see my progress till I get back on Friday. My mom has offered to water my garden daily and send any pictures if something happens. So.. To be Continued... :)
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